Wildlife  Journalist

Freelance wildlife & conservation writer

Words on Wildlife

Wildlife & Conservation Journalist

In 2017, before I quit my communications job to become a journalist, I reached out on a whim to a grassroots Costa Rica wildlife nonprofit and asked to shadow their work. We went far off the grid, in some cases sleeping on gear-room floors in the jungle, to track and monitor the endangered Baird's tapir. I was hooked, and knew I could use my words and photos to further conservation efforts—particularly those led by local and Indigenous communities.

In the years since that first  conservation trip, I've traveled around the world to report on stories at the intersection of conservation and community, as well as travel's role in it, for publications like National Geographic, WWF's World Wildlife Magazine, Travel & Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, and Outside.  

Work Published in

Wildlife Journalist

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Your Conservation writer & Wildlife Journalist


Adventurous storytelling and photography for the world's leading travel publications, brands, tourism boards, and non-profit organizations.

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